For anyone who has not been down to the boulders in Linville Gorge; to you I say stop reading this and go now. Dean Melton said it best in Dosage One:
Preach the Good Word About Boone, Dean!On Friday, Justin, Dalton and I sped down Spence Ridge excited to get on some of that unique
Linville quality rock. After trudging down the trail for close to two miles we found our campsite on the river, a huge patio boulder sitting directly over the trail, hidden up high but in plain sight. We spent the entire rest of the afternoon exploring and sampling the wide variety of problems in the river. By the evening we were beat.
One of my favorite aspects of climbing in the gorge is how physical everything is. The hike down clears nearly 1000 feet of elevation. Just walking between boulders is tiring and dangerous because you are rock hopping constantly. Furthermore, getting seriously hurt is not an option because the only way out is by helicopter.
Millions of Boulders, Boulders for MeThe next morning we went to work. Hiking further upstream to another
concentration, it took us half an hour to clear 300 yards. It was worth every minute. Sitting directly in the middle of river was a big black slab. Having been worn down by moving water, the texture was that of glass and even in our shoes we were sliding all over the place. I looked like a cartoon character getting a running start and getting half way up then sliding back down
uncontrollably. Very unique and satisfying.
Scampers V?Further up the river we found an amazing roof. Starting way back in a cave you go to a side pull crimp set one bad toe and then rotate your body backwards and outwards with only one hand and foot on, 270 degrees. The moves were so unique because the roof was more than horizontal at some points I actually climbed downward and out. The top out next to a tree with spikes in it eluded us but each move took immense body control and was completely worthwhile.
"I Got Your Spot"On the way out we did some work Glory Nights and few others around the Glory Roof. That night we got rained on and in the morning all was wet. Ending the trip a little early was alright though because we were completely wiped.
Hardman style we ran the last flat part after an
intense uphill battle with our 40 pound packs on. Exhausted but still buzzed off the endorphins we rolled out Table Rock Rd.
Why haven't you left yet?