The climbing in a word is unique. The rock is limestone but it has been so heavily trafficked that all the holds are nearly textureless. I overgripped everything and spent most of my mental energy convincing myself that yes that foot will hold. Beka crushed her longstanding project and Katie after a six week got back her game and led some scary routes.
The most fun line was the one least traveled by a 5.10c face climb with a dyno to a 20 ft traverse on a horizontal roof flake with pockets. It was really fun to work and different from anything I had climbed before.

The next day we came back out and did some night climbing because it is so hot in Texas. There is a drought and a heat spell that is abnormal even for here. It 106 pretty much everyday, so climbing is best early in the morning and at night. We make do with siestas and enormous quantities of water.
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